Mac Saved Game Data

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In iOS apps, files are used as the means for storing and restoring the state of an active game. If you’ve done any programming in any language (C, C++, Java, C#, you name it), you’ve used files to read data from and write data to. Objective-C allows you to work with files as wellFiles in iOS are organized into directories.

Each app gets its own directory where the app resides and its data can be stored. This directory is known as the app’s sandbox.

An app is prohibited from accessing or creating files outside its sandbox. When an app needs to work with the user’s contacts or music, the system needs to (and does) allow the file-related operations needed to read from or modify these data stores, which are outside the app’s sandbox.

May 31, 2019 In other words, you might lose your saved game data if you uninstall or reinstall a game, or if you install a game which you have already played onto a different phone. If you have a MAC or a. Jul 17, 2018 I've been jumping back and forth between the two platforms for a while and never had issues with the cloud save migrating. However, after playing on mac yesterday, then switching to pc, the game now tells me that the save data is incompatible with the current version of the game. Luckily, the save data still works on the mac side. The two platforms' build numbers are identical, so it doesn't. May 19, 2010 Question: Q: How to back up saved game data? I noticed then when I remove an app from my iPhone 3GS and reinstall it all the saved settings are lost. I spoke to a Mac representative last week and he said that there was a way to save in app data, but he never sent me the article explaining how to do it.

This sandbox directory is organized in a set of subdirectories. Apple specifies how each of these subdirectories should be used, as follows:

  • The <app name>.app directory is where the app’s executable and all the files in its bundle reside (such as the X and O images for Tic-Tac-Toe).

  • The Documents directory holds data that your app can’t re-create, such as user-generated documents or content. This is the directory where the Tic-Tac-Toe app saves games, keeps its SQLite files, and so on. iTunes backs up this directory, so when you connect your device to your Mac, the data here will be saved.

  • The Inbox directory within the Documents directory has special meaning. This directory stores files that other apps ask your app to open. For example, the Mail program places e-mail attachments associated with your app in this directory. Your app can read and delete files in this directory but can’t create new files or write to existing files.

  • The Library directory is used for files that aren’t user data files but need to be backed up. With the exception of a subdirectory named Caches (which is specifically for data the app temporarily wants to save for faster access), the files here are backed up by iTunes.

  • The tmp subdirectory saves temporary data that doesn’t need to persist between app runs. Your app should remove files from this directory when they’re no longer needed. The system may also purge lingering files from this directory when your app isn’t running or disk space is low. The contents of this directory are not backed up.

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Now, look at a quick example in Tic-Tac-Toe that shows how to write to and read from files. In this example, use a file to save and restore the state of a game.

When a user touches Save Game, the current state of the game is saved to a file named in the Documents directory in the app’s sandbox (the path to this file was set using #define as the constant TTTGAMESESSIONSAVEDFILEPATH in the file TTTGameSessionViewController.h).

Mac Saved Game Data Free

If the user exits without finishing the game, she can return to the game session screen and return to the saved game by selecting Restore Game.

Now for some code. The following code shows saveGame:

Writing to a file is easy. You just build the pathname of the file using the method stringByAppendingPathComponent on an object representing the app’s home directory (which you get by calling the function NSHomeDirectory). Then [savedGameString writeToFile:savedGamesFilePath …] does the actual writing.

Reading from a file is straightforward, too. Here’s the code for restoreGame:

You’ve already seen how a path to the file is created using the NSHomeDirectory function to get the home directory object, and then using this object’s method stringByAppendingPathComponent to create the string. Next, you read the entire file into a string using [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:savedGamesFilePath …], and then you’re free to process the string as needed.

Most of the Android users are fond of games and for the same reason they not only install these but also want to make sure that the data remains safe and secure. Therefore backup game data on Android is an idea that is to be implemented to get the work done in a relatively easy way. There are many apps as well as he related ideas that can be used in this regard. However it is to be noted that the users need to make sure that the best one is applied. The easiest way that can be used to get the work done will be introduced in the tutorial that follows.

Mac Saved Game Data Is Corrupted

How to Backup Game Data on Android

Tips on Android and Games

One of the most important aspects of the mobile phones running Android is the email address. It is always that of Gmail. Though Android provides its users with the option to configure the other email accounts as well but it is the Gmail that is of utmost importance. Without this email address the user is not able to enjoy certain features of the android and therefore it is very important. It also acts as the main email address of the Android OS and therefore it is important to ensure that this email address is backed up. In case of any misadventure it is important to note that the user gets the emails back and therefore no real loss occurs in terms of data. It is also to be noted that the user receives the emails to the phone then it might be out of memory. The reason it that Gmail app is the one that resides onto the phone memory rather than the SD card. Until and unless the phone is rooted the emails are accumulated within the memory and therefore it is not possible to install other apps once the memory becomes full. It is also one of the most important aspects that are ignored by many users. On the other hand the users are always after the apps that are heavy in size regardless of the fact that they can be moved to the SD card with ease. A regular email backup is the only solution to many issues including the memory saving as well as data loss. It is therefore advised to apply the process in the latter half of the tutorial to get out of all email related issues easily.

Advantages of Game Backup

•In this modern tech savvy environment the games that are being developed have almost 1000 levels. Game data backup means that a user does not have to play all over again in case of any issue.

•The data can also be back up for the games the highest levels of which are achieved. It means that the user can preserve the end level of the game without any issue.

•It is not at all difficult to follow the idea. It is due to the fact that there are several apps as well as desktop related ideas that can be followed to get the work done with ease.

Step-by-Step Backup Game Data on Android

Step 1. Download mac os on windows. Easy Backup & Restore is a free app that can do this for all Android users with ease. Download the software on your Android phone, install and run the app to begin the process.

Step 2. The app will capture the data onto the device including the game data and will ask to backup if required. Press Yes.

Step 3. Select the apps that are to be backup including the games.

Step 4. Enter the backup storage where the games are to the stored.

Step 5. Enter the backup directory in the next step.

Mac Saved Game Data Center

Step 6. The backup file is then to be named. If no name is given then the user needs to make sure that the default name is selected to get the work done.

Step 7. Watch the progress bar as it grows. It will also make sure that the backup is being monitored.

Step 8. Once the backup has been completed the user will see the notification. Press OK to make sure that the process ends here in full. The game data as well as the other apps are back up without much hassle.

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